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Install my Inner Stability


Basic initiation for a solid attitude and being present in our everyday world. It is also an initiation to my whole practice. By choosing this course as a gateway to my work you will have all the necessary basis to its comprehension and learning.

Even in our actual times, peace and security isn’t favorable, however it is possible to know how to keep them in ourselves at all times. One of the doorways for a good comprehension of each one of us and the world which surrounds us, is the body and energy circulation. Using our body as a way of support of who we really are.


Training content

Because we are beings standing between heaven and earth, we will:

  • Install the flow of these two energies in us, to feel safe on earth,
  • Learn how to keep our vitality on a daily basis,
  • Discover the aura and its protection,
  • Install a strategy that will allow us to approach, name and manage our emotions.

Practical Information


Year 2019 – 2020

Generally, this cours is given Fridays from 18h till 21h, Saturdays and Sundays from 9h till 17h.

For the moment there aren’t enough inscriptions to make the cours happen.

If this cours motivates you, please contact us with the below form.

110€ – 150 CHF / jour



  • Group of 6 to 15 people.
  • The courses are structured around alternating exercises alone, in two or in groups, sessions of experience sharing and theory.
  • The exercises are very varied: they are visualization exercises, exploration of one’s body and messages, welcoming one’s emotions and its message and listening to one’s intuition.

Presentation and Rate Plate

Benefits of this course


Presence in ones self.


Stable security sensations


Concrete means to restore my stability, my security when life tips me over.


Management of my emotions


Internal peace sensation.


Sensation of vitality.

To whom it is addressed

There is no pre-requirement to participate in the course. It is addressed to everyone looking for internal peace, stability and want to feel protected.


Inscription "Install my Inner Stability"

15 + 4 =